Digital Transformation Roadmap 2023/24-2027/28

The Ministry of ICT and National Guidance (MoICT&NG), with support from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), undertook a project to develop a Digital Transformation Roadmap for Uganda. The roadmap has been developed as an implementation tool towards achieving the objectives of the Digital Uganda Vision.

The Digital Transformation Roadmap aims to strengthen the implementation of enabling policies and laws to accelerate Uganda’s Digital Revolution. It will provide an overarching implementation framework for a well-connected Uganda that delivers on the opportunities presented by various technologies.

Enhance Digital infrastructure and Connectivity

Development of reliable digital infrastructure, including high-speed broadband networks, data centres, and cloud computing capabilities

Promote Digital services

Development of digital and electronic services in Government to support delivery of services across Uganda

Promote Cyber-security, data protection and privacy

Robust framework for digital governance, ensuring data privacy, cyber security, and protection of intellectual property

Empower Digital Skills & Literacy

Promote STEM education to bridge the digital divide and ensure equal opportunities for all

Foster Innovations and entrepreneurship

Conducive environment for innovation and entrepreneurship, promotion of R&D and startup incubation